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CoLab members create proposals

Dec 1, 2020 12:00 EST - Mar 1, 2021 03:00 EST
Expert review
Mar 1, 2021 03:00 EST - Mar 15, 2021 11:00 EDT
Voting period
Public Voting Period

Mar 15, 2021 11:00 EDT - Apr 1, 2021 11:00 EDT
Winners are awarded

Apr 1, 2021 11:00 EDT
How do we design post-COVID-19 cities that enrich nature?

Cities are the fastest growing human settlements on the planet. Cities occupy only 1% of the earth’s land mass, but by 2050 will host more than 68% of the world’s population. Cities are growing upwards and outwards to accommodate this rapid urbanization. Due to this expansion, cities will continue to encroach on many of the earth’s most important natural resources such as rich biodiverse areas and land critical for agricultural use (Nature in the Urban Century). This expansion will have profound impacts on global ecosystems. In 2020, we all witnessed the natural world collide with human life with the spread of the COVID-19 virus that upended life as we knew it. Right now, cities are the site where efforts to curb the spread of the virus are the most critical.

What will our cities look like Post-COVID-19? The answer is, they’ll be exactly as we design them. Now is the time to start thinking about that design.

THE POST-COVID-19 CITY colab is a multidisciplinary call to action that challenges urbanists, innovators, entrepreneurs, artists, researchers, scientists, and various other types of urban practitioners and planners from around the world to reset our thinking on how sustainable, resilient, liveable and just cities can be built for urban futures that nurture human-nature relationships. Envisioned submissions are encouraged from diverse transdisciplinary perspectives, including but not limited to: natural sciences, technology and engineering, social sciences, communications and media, fine arts and film, urban planning and design, urban practitioners, and other sectors. Submission ideas and suggestions may include but are not limited to: nature-based solutions, biotechnology, biomimicry, collaboration and planning process innovations, methodologies, models, software and mobile application solutions, data collection and knowledge gathering innovations, illustrative art and design works, architectural ideas and modelling, mapping and GIS solutions, community and urban citizen engagement ideas for participation, etc. that can help us nurture our relationship with cities in nature.

Pitch an innovation at any scale that improves people-nature connections in cities, specifically with nature, biodiversity, and ecosystem services, such as, food, water, and energy.

Your pitch should answer the following questions in the section "Description":

Where is the location ? (city, country)
Why is your proposal important?
Explain how the innovation would work?
What would be the impact?

25 Contributions
An auxiliary service network to back-up the livability of neighborhoods by shifting gear to local resources when an emergency requires it.
The Privacy Clinic is a platform that helps individuals protect their data & privacy rights in the context of rapidly evolving legislation.
Using labeling, interpretation, and engaged activities for children & adults, we will intertwine nature awareness into open streets events.
NurtureBK is a self-organized, emergent, & collective effort to make NYC more resilient & environmentally sustainable during COVID & beyond.
Addressing people's motivation to participate in mass environmental action while reinvigorating local businesses and building community.
Unveiling the potential of small vacant lots to become efficient Nature-based Solutions for citizens’ wellbeing and nature conservation
We propose a user driven and community-oriented platform to tackle the spatial injustices highlighted by the COVID19 lockdowns in Amsterdam.
We enter plants to home environment with the aim of injecting hope and reducing depression.
Our cities are life forms, but they have smaller brains than they need. To help our cities thrive we need to help them know themselves.
Supporting actively the start-up of initiatives in Green Care sector, promoting health and social inclusion in a sustainable way
Initiating conversation with the street through signages that lets pedestrians engage and be aware of the environment around the street.
Cities of the future must be sustainable. That means we must leverage natural features & systems to create places where humanity can thrive.
An ecommerce platform that empowers fashion consumers to compost their owned products at their End of Use to then become a soil nutrient.
Implementation of recycling in a coastal city using technological innovations, with the collaboration of environmental leaders.
Citizens and small businesses share e-bikes & cargo e-bikes, sharing costs and responsibilities, using a distributed public charging system.
An excursion of a citizen-run urban scenario, for a cooperative addressal of citizen needs, sharing skills and products, via peer exchange.
Public handwashing station in downtown area that sends the gray water to a plant demonstration garden.
Our dynamic glare control doubles as media platform. We improve experience, reduce CO2 and create a symbiosis of technology, art and nature.
We cannot avoid the expansion of cities, but we can design the way cities impact nature.
A mobile application that would help communities to learn, grow and geo tag endangered plants for enrichment of biodiversity in urban areas
Vision drawings to inspire rewilding of urban spaces: disused commercial plots, public squares, streets, green belts and transport routes.
The portable classroom is an innovation to support positive outdoor education and play opportunities for urban children/youth.
Self Funded Insured Insurance for indigenous communities, allowing the rural communities to have less need for urban medical services.
A circular and sustainable solution to cater to the exces cardboard and plastic packaging waste produced by the work from home lifestyle